
Simple Programmer Soft Skills Quiz - My Answers

Questions extracted from The Simple Programmer Soft Skills Quiz

I've highlighted in red those questions that I didn't answer "yes" to when I read the quiz to myself.
  1. I have a clearly defined goal for my career.
    • I call this a professional mission statement. Here's mine: 
      • Through servant leadership elevate to a higher standard of quality and productivity all professionals I come into contact with.
  2. I always seem to get along with my co-workersand clients, even when we don’t agree.
    • I've been called "diplomatic" in the past. I think inter-relatedness is one of the most important things we have in our careers on teams.
  3. I feel confident in my ability to interviewfor a job, ask for a raise, and negotiate a job offer.
    • I've gotten several raises. I've nailed many job interviews. And I've always turned down the first offer when it's not good enough.
  4. I act like a professional instead of an amateur.
    • I always prepare well stated communications that are succinct and courteous
  5. I’m not religious about technology. I pick the best tool for the job, not the one I like the most.
  6. I’ve made an active choice to be where I am. I didn’t just take the first job or opportunity that presented itself to me.
    • I've turned down interviews and job offers that didn't fit me. And I'm proud of doing so.
  7. I have a clearly defined specialty that differentiates me.
    • I'm a programmer that knows how to talk about ROI, EBITDA, Diminishing Returns, Balance Sheets, and organizational behavior. And I don't work for an accounting software company. I'd say that's pretty niched down, but I'm always looking for ways to tighten it further.
  8. I have my own personal brand.
    • (Looks at the top of the screen)... I have a branded website which...
  9. I have created my own blog and post regularly.
    • ... Happens to be a blog I post to at minimum once a week
  10. I’m not afraid to look like an idiot.
    • I've been down-voted on StackOverflow.com. And I'm sure that's not the only time I've ever been ridiculously, blatantly wrong.
  11. I’m constantly learning new things and expanding my skills.
    • I triple majored. Learning is in my blood.
  12. I don’t need a teacher, I know how to teach myself.
    • I like getting my hands dirty and figuring out how to get stuff to do what I need it to do. Sometimes that stuff is mechanical. Other times it's humans interacting with humans. but I'm always working on it.
  13. I’m sharing what I learn with others and mentoring them.
    • I host brown bag lunches at my office once a week. It's fun
  14. I am seeking out the help of mentors who can coach me or give me valuable insights from their experience.
  15. I’m teachable. When I’m wrong I admit it and seek to improve rather than justify my actions.
    • I like to surround myself with people smarter than I am. And I like them to show me when I have growing to do.
  16. I know how to focus on the task at hand and how to avoid distractions.
    • I just re-started using Pomodoro, but I've never had an issue putting in my headphones and telling people to leave me alone. I shut off my email, turn off my IM, etc.
  17. I accomplish what needs to be done before it needs to be done. I don’t procrastinate.
    • I'm not great at taking out the trash at home. Otherwise, I get things done before people even realize they need doing.
  18. I manage my time effectively. I use a daily and weekly planning system.
    • Working on it, but I'm not really great at this yet.
  19. I’ve developed regular good habits that keep me going, even when I’m not motivated.
    • Really this is more about what I don't do. I don't watch hours of TV. I don't play video games. I do have a routine at night that I (generally) stick to.
  20. I take action and make decisions instead of always second guessing myself.
    • I started this blog. I always follow my instincts. And I'm not always right about things.
  21. I understand how markets work and economies function.
    • Ask me to talk to you about economies of scale, the free rider problem, and the invisible hand some time.
  22. I’ve educated myself on various investment choices and understand how to make my money work for me.
    • 401K - Yep
    • IRA - Yep
    • Free standing investments - Yep
    • Diversification - Yep
  23. I have a definite retirement plan that does not rely on luck.
    • See above
  24. I am out of debt or I am on a clear path to get out of debt in a short timeframe.
    • Consumer debt is a 4 letter word in my house.
  25. I understand the basics of good nutrition and health.
    • Understand, yes, absolutely. Less than a decade ago I was in amazingly good health. I don't always follow through now, though... not really.
  26. I have some sort of a regular exercise routine that I stick to each week.
    • I have a plan to start doing this again, and have moved in the direction of doing so. However, it's not habitual yet
  27. I have a healthy and planned diet that I mostly stick to.
    • See my answer that pretty much matches above, but with my diet
  28. I have clear fitness and health goals and know how to achieve them.
    • I'm slightly (but not dangerously) overweight - and I know what foods I have to eat and what exercises to begin to reverse the trend. I've been healthy in the past, and know how to get back there
  29. I understand the connection between my mind and my body and how I can use my mind to make a positive impact on my life.
    • I've fought significant depression in the past, and won. I know how important physical and emotional empowerment are in every aspect of life.
  30. I am empowered. I believe that I control my life through the decisions I make, not the circumstances that fate throws at me.
    • Actually, this one threw me off. I'm a devoted Christian that firmly believes I have a higher purpose as a servant leader with my peers and my community. I don't believe in predestination, but I do believe in God's will.
  31. I have the right mental attitude and I believe in myself and my ability to achieve anything I set my mind to.
    • I regularly succeed. I regularly fail. And I always learn.
  32. I’m not afraid of failure. I embrace failure because I know it leads me to success.
    • See above
  33. I master my emotions; my emotions don’t master me.
So, what do you all think? Leave me a comment to let me know if you think I answered this quiz honestly. I know that these kinds of things are critical for a career to thrive - so I want to make sure I'm being accountable for them.

JSON Jason