
Should I Have a Facebook Account?

Facebook Poll Results As Of 6-3-2015
Poll Results As Of 6-3-2015
In order to find out what people think of my question, I put up a poll on Google+. I ditched Facebook some time ago, and thus far I have to say that I find myself with more time for blogging and other productive interests since I don't have one. I also find myself not compulsively checking my phone every 2 minutes to see if <so and so> ate <that really cool designer food stuff>.

All kidding aside, my professional/personal network is pretty solid, and I'm not entirely certain I'd make it any stronger by adding Facebook back into the equation. Since I haven't been on it in a few years, I honestly have no idea what kinds of feed grooming tools and other signal/noise toggling features they've built in to the service to make it more useful for the customers.  I can say that without much doubt, Facebook provides their development staff with all kinds of amazing things: http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-vs-google-best-employer-2013-11, and I support any company that treats developers like rock stars. However, if I get back onto Facebook I want to maximize it's potential for helping me propel my career, network, and life goals.  Here's the things it has to offer to be worth it for me:

  • More readers on this blog
  • Stuff that I want to read, not just random nonsense that I don't care about
  • Connectivity to people I care about, not to people who I barely know
I really don't know if I can curate a Facebook account well enough to accomplish those things up there. I suppose it's probably possible, but I really want to protect myself from being consumed in it again, I've really enjoyed my Facebook hiatus thus far and I don't want to find myself coming back to this blog in 3 months saying "Well, I quit Facebook, again." Garth Brooks and Michael Jordan can retire more than once, but I'm not sure if it'd do me any good ;).

So, what do you think - honestly? Can Facebook really be a valuable tool, or is it more of a time waster that makes Mark Zuckerberg a ton of money?

JSON Jason