So, now that I've actually read Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual it occurs to me that I've got two completely amazing passions when it comes to writing software. One of them has very technical ramifications - and I'm going to use this blog going forward to talk about what those technical ramifications are.
My other passion, I feel much more confident writing about on - Soft Skills and all of the human and business aspects of software engineering. John Sonmez has done an amazing job giving all of us software engineers a wonderful platform for interacting and communicating with one another about how to catapult our careers. So, I'll keep contributing there for all of the content I come up with related to those things.
Stay posted for my first content shift about API development. I do it pretty much all day, every day, in one fashion or another. So it should be pretty easy to keep a weekly blog post going again. Starting on Thursdays at 11. Like I did before. I guess time will tell.
Thanks for being readers and for trusting me with your time. All my best.